Elpida Summer Retreat and Backpack Drive

We are thrilled to announce the very first Elpida Summer Retreat, scheduled for August 24th! This retreat is a response to the overwhelming enthusiasm from our community following our successful Lenten retreats. Families have requested more opportunities to come together, learn, and serve, and we are excited to deliver with this special summer event.

A Day of Service and Learning
The retreat will feature a meaningful service project where children and families will assemble backpacks full of school supplies for children in need. This project is a wonderful way to teach our kids about the importance of helping others and giving back to the community.

Interactive Learning Rotations
Throughout the day, children will move through several engaging rotations that will help them deepen their understanding of our faith. These rotations include:

- Learning about the Panagia: Discovering the life and significance of the Virgin Mary.
- Exploring the Story of St. Fanourios: Understanding the life and miracles of this beloved saint. Fanouropita Baking, Scavenger hunt and more!
- Understanding the Divine Liturgy: Breaking down the components of our sacred service. Understanding what the censer is used for--then building their own!
- Priest Vestments: Learning about the different vestments worn by priests and their meanings. Afterwards, children will design and construct their own vestments in small groups.

These activities are designed to be both educational and fun, helping our children connect with their faith in a hands-on and memorable way.

Epic After Party
After a day of learning and service, the retreat will conclude with an epic after party in the gym. We have planned to rent several inflatable activities that promise to bring lots of joy and excitement. It's a perfect way to celebrate a day well spent!

Join Us!
We warmly invite all families to join us for this wonderful retreat. Click here to register. We hope to see you there and encourage you to spread the word to your friends and family. Let’s come together to make this first Elpida Summer Retreat a truly special and memorable event.



How Can You Help?

We have partnered with the amazing Sydney Paige Foundation to conduct this community service project. You can help us secure the necessary supplies and meet our goal of empowering students in school and in life by donating at https://donate.sydneypaige.org/elpida