With great joy and gratitude, we invite you to join us on Palm Sunday, April 13, 2025, as we come together to honor a beloved shepherd of our faith and community. Immediately following the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy, we will dedicate the Courtyard of the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation in honor of Reverend Father Stephen H. Kyriacou, the 10th Proistamenos in the Ca ...

Please find our schedule for the month of March below, we look forward to welcoming you!

  • Sunday, March 2 - Forgiveness Sunday (Orthros 9:00am, Divine Liturgy 10:00am)
  • Friday, March 7 - 1st Salutations (6pm)
  • Sunday, March 9 - Sunday of Orthodoxy (Orthros 9:00am, Divine Liturgy 10:00am)
    • FDF ...

Be a part of something truly special this Holy Friday! We’re inviting you to illuminate the path to the Epitaphios with a beautiful luminary, symbolizing your prayers and love.


* Your donation of $20 will honor a loved one’s health and well-being or in blessed memory of someone dear who has passed. Each glowing light will stand as a tribute to faith, remembrance, and hope ...

Don't miss your chance to order the delicious Tsoureki and Koulourakia made by the Annunciation Ladies Philoptochos! Order by Monday, April 7th and pick up on Palm Sunday April 13th from 12noon to 2pm. To make you order, please fill out and return the form found ...

When we think of our Church, we often imagine only what is humanly possible. Yet, when we offer our faith and commitment, God blesses us abundantly, returning more than we could ever imagine.  This is the true meaning of “Your Own from Your Own.”  Through faith, we see our church, not only as it is, but as it could be- transformed by our humble gifts, multiplied by God’s generosity and ...


As part of our revitalized coffee hour program, we’re calling on all ministries, organizations, and our parishioners (individually or in teams!) to sign up to host one or more coffee hours over the course of the year.  We’ll supply the coffee/ cream/ sugar, tablecloths, napkins, utensils – and you supply the goodies (e.g., pastries, donuts, bagels & cre ...