When we think of our Church, we often imagine only what is humanly possible. Yet, when we offer our faith and commitment, God blesses us abundantly, returning more than we could ever imagine. This is the true meaning of “Your Own from Your Own.” Through faith, we see our church, not only as it is, but as it could be- transformed by our humble gifts, multiplied by God’s generosity and love.
This past year we witnessed incredible growth in our ministries - Community Kitchen, Dance, Elpida, Greek School, HOPE, Junior GOYA, GOYA, and Men’s Fellowship. In the coming year, we hope to launch a Senior Fellowship group, Women’s Fellowship, with more to come! Your pledge is vital in supporting these worthy ministries and helping them flourish.
Giving to His Church is a way of expressing gratitude for God’s grace and generosity. The question is not, “What are the dues?” but rather “How can I thank God for my many blessings?” We envision our church, not as it is, but as it can be. By offering our treasure, time, and talents, we ensure that, as members of the Body of Christ, we may reach our full potential in Him.
Please give prayerful thought to your commitment. A pledge is most meaningful when accompanied by your presence, willingness to serve, and prayers. Giving is not a substitute for commitment – it is an expression of it, as well as a reflection of gratitude for the many blessings in your life.
Please click here to make your pledge for 2025. We encourage you to make your pledge through Realm, our church management software. We are available after church during coffee hour to assist, and you can also reach us by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for any questions or support. Of course, we are always happy to accept a check, and pledge cards are available on the information wall near the Narthex. As Orthodox Christians, we firmly believe that every facet of our lives is a divine gift from God, bestowed upon us through His boundless love and grace. Stewardship is a profound calling that invites each of us, the faithful, to joyfully and gratefully return a portion of the blessings we have received from His hands. In doing so, we not only acknowledge the source of these gifts but also participate in the sacred act of giving. Your offering plays a vital role in empowering our Cathedral to fulfill Her sacred mission—to spread the teachings of Christ and the rich heritage of Orthodoxy into the lives and hearts of all whom we are called to serve. Through your generosity, we can continue to nurture faith, community, and spiritual growth in those we reach.