Please find our schedule for the months of June and July below, we look forward to welcoming you!


Sunday, June 2 - Sunday of the Samaritan Woman (Orthros 9:00am, Divine Liturgy 10:00am)

Sunday, June 9 - Sunday of the Blind Man (Orthros 9:00am, Divine Liturgy 10:00am)

Sunday, Ju ...

We are busy with multiple events this Lenten and Spring season! See below for our Easter Bake Sale, Palm Sunday Luncheon, Epitaphios donations, and our Mother's Day Luncheon. Flyers are available at the Cathedral and also linked below. Thank you for your support and Kali Sarakosti!

Easter Bake Sale: We're offering Tsourekia ($25/ea) and Koulourakia ($15/dozen). Or ...

As announced in our weekly bulletins and monthly Heralds, we have transitioned to REALM Church Management Software which has completely revolutionized the way we give and manage the Cathedral’s finances. We are thrilled to share the many benefits this innovative tool offers our community and that we have already securely processed thousands of dollars in gifts received through this system.

Dear Friend in Christ,

Sometimes it may seem that God is somewhere far away from us. We may want to go to Him and talk to Him, but we’re not sure how. Still, God wants us to feel close to Him. He doesn’t want to be a distant figure in our life. Instead, He wants us to truly think of ourselves as part of His “family.” Saint John the Evangelist wrote in his first universal lett ...

A special Icon of the Annunciation is being commissioned on the occasion of the Centennial Celebration of the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral, San Francisco, California. This Icon depicts Agia Sophia in Constantinople, our Mother Church, depicted in the 1921 seal of the Cathedral which was originally named St. Sophia. The Golden Gate Bridge, representing San Francisco, connec ...

In December, all our dancers came together to work with our Philoptochos in supporting our neighborhood Chavez school during the season of giving. Chavez school is among the neediest in SF, with 10% of the families classified as homeless or housing insecure. We collected $1,000 in cash and gift cards to give these needy families.

Christo is excited to host a new podcast sponsored by Orthodox Christian Network in which he will sit down each week with a young, recently ordained priest or deacon and chat with them about their personal journey to ordained ministry. In recent times, it seems fewer and fewer young men choose to pursue the priesthood as a life path. So Christo would like those who have decided to serve Ch ...

The Annunciation Cathedral “Adopt an Annunciation Paver” Program was first introduced in 2018 and by September of 2019, more than 100 pavers had been adopted and inscribed. Now that the Cathedral is again open to worshippers, the “Adopt an Annunciation Paver” Program has been restarted again. Imagine that these inscribed pavers, which show you and your family’s inscription, wi ...