Isidoros and Maria Garifalakis

Isidoros and Maria Garifalakis Join Dean’s List

Isidoros Garifalakis is the principal owner of Omega Industries, located in Vancouver, WA. His company fabricates steel for all kinds of uses, especially for the railroad industry. Some time ago, Mr. Garifalakis was contacted to provide the steel for the rebuilding of the Annunciation Cathedral, at his cost. He agreed to do so, with the thought that it would result in significant savings to our project. Recently, however, when we discussed reimbursement for the rebar steel (which amounted to about $130,000), Mr. Garifalakis informed us that his family does not wish to be reimbursed but, instead, wishes to donate this to the Cathedral.

We are, of course, overjoyed and grateful to him and to his family for this “Dean’s Level Gift.” Mr. Garifalakis is a member of the Metropolis Council, and chairman of its Faith Forward annual drive. He is, in addition, an archon of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. He and his family are generous supporters of their parish of the Holy Trinity Church in Portland, OR, of the St. John the Forerunner Monastery in Gold - endale, WA, St. Nicholas Ranch and Retreat Center and of other institutions. Isidoros and Maria are the in-laws of our own Steve Kosaris, who is married to their daughter Sophia.

We thank them, once again, as we thank all those who are making the rebuilding of the Annunciation Cathedral possible.

Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation, San Francisco