2018 Food Festival, Another Great Success!

It seems each festival gets better and better. Or, at least that’s how we measure each festival’s success. We compare it to that of the previous years and calculate the numbers of people who show up and, of course, the revenues. But, each festival is also different from that of the previous year, in that we always meet new people, especially young families and young adults. And, therefore, we can say, another food festival, another great success. Somehow all the volunteers come together, somehow last-minute hiccups are addressed. In the end, we say it was all worthwhile. Why? Because at the heart of the Festival is community-building. Not just the strengthening of our own church community, but the community at large. We welcome our neighbors and friends, we make new friendships, we connect with all of San Francisco and beyond. All because of the legacy of a faith and a culture that speak of being welcoming others, of respecting others, and of loving all. Thanks go to the festival team of leaders and volunteers, thanks that are beyond words, for what you are doing in fact is not only building community, but passing the legacy of our faith and culture to future generations. Following are a few photos of this year’s festival. Enjoy. Και του χρόνου! Here’s to next year!